Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill

The ability to reduce your weight-bearing to as low as 20% of your body weight. Start walking and jogging earlier than anyone else.


Norma-Tec Recover System

Upper & Lower Extremities


Blood Flow Restriction Therapy


8 High Speed Motion Analysis

What can’t be picked up by the human eye:

  • Are Core, Hip, Knee, and Ankle muscles firing in correct sequence?
  • Are you landing correctly to avoid re-tear?
  • Balanced right vs. left?
  • Is opposite knee vulnerable?

What is Dari Analysis?
The camera system is able to capture joint motion, torque, and muscle balance of the major joints and muscle groups in your body. This allows a Sports Scientist to analyze areas of deficit that will allow a player to perform better and reduce the risk of injury. The test includes 19 functional motions and takes 7-10 minutes.

$300 initial/$75 each additional re-test