Sport Specific Training
Once you have completed your physical therapy protocol, it’s time to swing into high gear with our Return-to-Play Program that will get you back into on-field shape safely. We’ll expand on the training you received during physical therapy and improve your technique so that you become physically stronger, healthier and more likely to succeed at your sport. Using our indoor turf and gym, you’ll become physically and mentally prepared to return to the field or court and perform even better than before!
- Baseball/Softball
- Football
- Soccer
- Lacrosse & Volleyball
Personal & Group Training
Small Group Training:
8 Sessions/month $320
12 Sessions/month $420
1 on 1 Private Training:
8 Sessions/month $600
12 Sessions/month $840
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy
8 High Speed Motion Analysis
What can’t be picked up by the human eye:
- Are Core, Hip, Knee, and Ankle muscles firing in correct sequence?
- Are you landing correctly to avoid re-tear?
- Balanced right vs. left?
- Is opposite knee vulnerable?
$300 initial/$75 each additional re-test
Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill
The ability to reduce your weight-bearing to as low as 20% of your body weight. Start walking and jogging earlier than anyone else.
Trazer Analysis Reaction Time Testing
Become quicker than you were before your injury.
Norma-Tec Recover System
Upper & Lower Extremities
TSI Sports Performance
High School & College Athletes
Preparing athletes for the physical demands of their sport.
TSI also offers team training for high school teams and travel organizations. For more information please email [email protected]
[email protected]