The Rapsodo Pitching Machine
Provides instant data on pitch velocity, spin rate, true spin rate, spin axis, and spin efficiency as well as strike zone analysis, horizontal and vertical break, 3D trajectory, and now release information. See any pitch from side, top, pitcher or catcher views, and track progress over time with historical and statistical analysis to ensure that you or your athletes are getting the most out of the arm.
Pitch flight analysis like you’ve never seen before! Rapsodo measures the impact of spin on every ball and shows the actual flight of a pitched baseball, calculating the corresponding trajectory of the same pitch without spin.
Take advantage of spin axis to defy physics! Rapsodo measures the impact of spin on every ball; it shows the actual flight of a pitched baseball and calculates the corresponding trajectory of the same pitch without any spin.
For more information or to schedule an appointment call us at: 516.798.9605 (opt. 8)
Rapsodo Throwing Analysis:
$50 per half hour session
5 sessions for $250
Dari Biomechanics Analysis:
Dari and Rapsodo Package:
1 dari assessment
5 rapsodo sessions
$525 ($550 value)